Monday, August 11, 2008

Questions that have no definite answer.

Today is the graduation day~! yeay!!!
i'll upload pic on the flickr later on, but as for today...

i were asked by a so-called friend, ( as we are not close enough, heck!)
"why people love to leave something that complicated and leave people in vain?"
and i said...

who the heck he refering 'people'?
Out of nowhere he blurt it out, I was clueless.
Then he left me, with his sharp,sinister looking on his face.
That, enough to ruin my day, in addition some of my stuff I left on table are nowhere to found.
Luckily, i have my friends around me, although just a bit, help me forget of what he said earlier to me.
But, at home, those question keep ringing in my head, till it make my head hurts like hell.
I can't just ignore what he said, as he say it with 'that' face.

As i keep on recalling the question he asked, i wondering, isn't it should be ME that suppose to ask him the questions. What in the world he thinks of himself?
For those who knows me, u might know who the hell i'm talking bout right?
Well, it just that, i want to fret my frustation on the net, it's annoying though.
I want to go sleep~...tired...

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