Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Studying 1st year of medicine at University of Charles - Faculty of Medicine in Hradec kralove, Czech Republic.

1. There is no such things as top prioritiy subject here. Everything is equally important.
( kalau dulu ye ar, subject malay n english most of us take them quite lightly, but here even the language class can decide whether u will proceed to 2 year or not)

2. Enjoy every leisure time you have with books and some sports.
(for stamina. I play futsal!!! yeay!!!)

3. Almost everyday there will be microtest for the respective subject on that day.

4. Treat every microtest as final examination.
( mmg kene giler2 kene skor. kalau fail, ibarat mcm fail final examintaion- tp kalu fail satu ke dua ok lagi...jgn fail lebih dri 5...parah akibatnyer)

5. Who said everyone can sit for final exam? not here. only when you fullfill the requirement, such as pass the microtest (65% of them?) , credit test, and some sort of requirement ( depends on what subjects u take).
then only, you can book the date for ur final exam.

6. to book the date for the final exam, book the wisely ( such as ur preparation state, mental stability) and, eventough u have 3 month for the final examination, dont keep on postpone it, if possible end them up quickly!. and one more thing, be aware of who will be ur examiner on respective subjects.
( unfortunately, u cannot choose ur examiner, except for biophysics subjects) reason? read no 7.

7. Final exam will be done orally.

8. Always, always, rely on Allah, as He the only one can help you in exam.
( tpi jgn la spnjg 6 thun jer begini, kita kan org Islam...mmg dah kene totally devoted to Allah. But the point is, ask Him to help, guide and lead you in ur life and whatever ur doing. and most of senior says, when
ur doing the final exam, u can feel Allah's help. He feel really close, as  He always does- even when we are not realise bout it- it's true right?)

and seniors say, as we goes to 2nd year, 3rd and goes on, the burden is getting lighter and ligther. 
So they only say that only in the 1st year we will be like this, we have to persevere!
1st year is really challenging, and thats what makes it different with other medical school in some other country.

note: i did feel tension. some of the results of the microtest i got make able to make me feel down. but i did my best. and i'll continue working hard, as i always did. i do realise, this is the first time in my life i working really dead hard, having this inferior feeling and always feel like i'm left behind. as the whole, i like this new enviroment. it make me feel like " i want to work with all i got" seriously. alhamdullillah. there are reasons why i'm going to czech republic, not new zealand...
"If this is your route, God/Allah will lead you through..."
only with this words, i'm able to face the hardship.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

btol2.aku rasa ni la first time aku studi tiap2 hari.walaupun dlm lecture nganga,tp dalam lab boleh kata ada pengetahuan la.but it takes 1 moth for me to familiarise with the system.